The New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project
Learn how you can benefit professionally and financially
from this project ... STARTING NOW!.

This is a gold mind for aspiring entrepreneurs, business owners and career professionals who want to make a significant ECONOMIC and SOCIAL IMPACT on society and earn a ton of money doing it.

Executive Snapshot


Problem Narrative

EECM Overview

General Operations



Join Us

Just choose one or more of the following participation options.

  • Option #1: Visit our Facebook discussion group and offer your feedback. Here's the link to the Facebook Group: NIEPP Facebook Group.

  • Optin #2: Support Prelaunch, Phase crowdfunding. This is a subscription-supported crowdfunding model administered by the Multiple Income Networking and Development Services (M.I.N.D.S.) operational leg. Here's the link to M.I.N.D.S.: M.I.N.D.S. Newsletter Subscription.

  • Option #3: Option #3 is an active participation option for aspiring entrepreneurs; career professionals and home and small business owners. It operates under the umbrella of the THINK BIG Mastermind Alliance. Here's the link to the THINK BIG Mastermind Alliance: THINK BIG Mastermind Alliance.

  • Option #4: Option #4 is an active participation option for affiliate and referral marketers. It operates under the Affiliate Innovation Alliance. Here's the link to the Affiliate Innovation Alliance: Affiliate Innovation Alliance.

We appreciate your participation and support.

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